
Client Area

Cancellation and Refund policy

Refund Policy and Service Guidelines

By registering with DashRDP LLP or subscribing to our services, you acknowledge and agree to our refund policy. This policy has been established to enhance your user experience and is governed by specific guidelines and requirements. We kindly request that you carefully review this policy to prevent any potential issues.Please be aware that this policy is subject to change at any time.

Refund Requests

Our refund policy outlines the procedures for requesting and receiving refunds for our services. To process a refund for RDP plans, a valid reason is required. In cases where a valid reason is provided, we will make efforts to resolve the issue or issue a refund. However, we are not obligated to provide a refund if you have violated our terms of service. For return request you can mail us at contact@dashrdp.com or open a Ticket at https://store.dashrdp.com/submitticket.php

Refund Processing Time

Once a refund is approved, it typically takes 5-7 working days to process and credit the amount to the customer's bank account. Please note that the actual processing time may vary depending on the payment method originally used for the purchase. Some payment methods may result in shorter or longer processing times.

Refund Ineligibility

Refunds will not be accepted for the following reasons:

  • Ignorance about the proper usage of RDP.

  • Unsuitable network connections at the client's end.

  • Technical issues at the client's end that prevent optimal product usage.

  • Violation of our terms of service

  • Issues related to third-party software or websites. (Clients should check the respective website requirements before purchasing to ensure compatibility with their goals.)

  • Any third-party website not functioning as expected, for which we do not provide guarantes.

  • Refund is not available for Shared RDP Plans.

Prohibited Activities

We strictly prohibit activities such as Hacking, Brute-forcing, and the use of Mass Mailing Tools, as they are illegal. Clients are not allowed to use these activities with the servers provided by DashRDP LLP.

Residential RDP ISP/Proxy Fee Policy

There is no refund policy for our Residential RDP ISP and proxy fees. We do not guarantee for any website or app that it will work in Residential RDP. In cases where a refund is warranted, it will be issued after deducting the ISP/Proxy cost, which varies based on the plan and starts at $9.99. If any proxy or ISP issues are identified, we will address them promptly, depending on the issue and holiday schedule.

Payment and Auto-Renewal
  • DashRDP LLP Add Funds/Credit Funds are non-refundable at any cost.

  • Stripe automatically adds/saves client credit/debit card information for auto-renewal. Clients can remove this information from the DashRDP LLP client area. If our system auto-charges your card, you can claim a refund within 24 hours of the auto-charge, with a deduction of any VAT/tax/payment gateway fee.

Important Notes
  • If you violate our Terms of Service, no refund will be provided.

  • Cancellation requests made without prior support contact or within 24 hours of creating a support ticket will not be eligible for a refund.

  • You agreed to our Terms of Service and Refund Policy during payment. Payment providers such as PayPal or Payza also follow our policies for refunds.

  • If you do not agree with the above rules and restrictions, please refrain from placing a Server or RDP order.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions about this AUP, You can contact Us:

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